For each image, photo, painting or wallpaper you choose,
when you place it in your shopping basket, we'll suggest up to 8 paint shades to match the image.
By default and for each of the 8 most frequent shades of the image, we lighten the shades found by 50%.
because a shade painted on a large wall surface appears darker than on a small sample.
If you wish to order a second shade of paint or re-examine the shades on offer,
you can relaunch the paint search module from the basket by clicking on the small "pipette" icon, as shown in the image below.
Finally, and for interior design specialists who wish to deviate from our suggestions, it is possible to modify the default settings of our "image-matching color discovery module" by adjusting two parameters
either by modifying the lightening level to, for example, 75% more light than the image shade.
or by modifying the color intensification level to obtain colors 50% more intense, for example.